Youbi Game التطبيقات

戰國傳說 1.0.6
Youbi Game
《戰國傳說》超極致SLG策略遊戲激萌戰姬華麗來襲,帶你重溫歷史名戰!指尖策略樂趣無窮,COMBO華麗連招讓你無限施放!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆【名將組合,強強聯合】百位戰國猛將成就收集【極致策略,活動豐富】九宮格派兵佈陣歷史在你的指尖上演【跨服副本,狹路相逢】呼朋引伴多人組隊跨服爽翻天【華麗戰鬥,超萌戰姬】精緻美女戰姬等你招募助你戰國制霸"Warring StatesLegends"super extreme SLG strategy gameMeng Ji war shock struck gorgeous with you relive thehistoricbattle!Policy fingertip fun, COMBO gorgeous even move you makeunlimitedcast!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆[Name combination, combination]One hundred Warring States Reggie collect achievements[Ultimate strategy, enrichment activities]Squared lineup troops staged history at your fingertips[Inter-service copy of the territories]Their friends more than inter-service team cool earthshaking[Gorgeous battle, battle Super Meng Ji]Exquisite beauty Ji battle waiting for you to help yourecruitSengoku Takeover
Snake League-蛇蛇聯盟 1.0.2
Youbi Game
聚集世界各地的蛇都在這裡了吧~玩這個遊戲的時候你是幾歲呢?現在經典遊戲升級版重返遊戲圈啦!承載著兒時夢想的小蛇在你的操控下逐漸長大變長,在眾多蛇群中脫穎而出,替你實現兒時相當街頭霸王的願望!【玩法說明】1. 每位玩家都以色彩絢麗的小蛇形式出場2. 通過屏幕搖杆控制方向操縱小蛇去吃地圖上的“小點點”食物,小蛇就會變長3. 當自己的蛇頭碰撞到別人的蛇身的時候自己的小蛇就會死亡,屍體化身“大點點”食物4. 可以操控方向“擊殺”別的蛇,吃別的蛇的屍體會長得更快喔**********************************************************************☆告別無聊,貪吃蛇玩出擊殺的爽快感☆你還認為是那個無聊的轉來轉去的貪吃蛇嗎?當然要去殺敵啦!場上不再是你一人,局勢風生水起變化莫測。☆操作簡單,戰鬥中技巧決定一切☆遊戲僅兩個按鈕可實現小蛇多種運動方式。通過搖杆控制舌頭前進方向,可慢慢觀戰也可提速搶食。變向甩尾,電光火石間擊殺敵人稱霸戰場。☆沒有絕對優勢,小蛇也能扭轉戰局☆不管是大蛇還是小蛇,都要時刻防備那些可能會攻擊你或者跟你搶食物的蛇,通過華麗操作,一招制敵,小蛇反殺大蛇不是夢。快來體驗吧,真的根本就停不下來喔~Gathered around theworldare snakes here, right ~Play this game when you are old it? Now upgraded version oftheclassic game to return to the game circle of friends!Childhooddream of carrying the snake under your control graduallygrewlonger, stand out among the snakes, for you to achievechildhoodquite street fighter desire![Play Description]1. Each player with colorful snake form Appearances2. manipulate the snake to eat on the map "little bit" offoodthrough the screen joystick to control the direction of thesnakewill be longer3. When your snake smugglers bumping into others when his snakewilldie, the body incarnation "Great little" food4. You can control the direction of "kill" other snakes eatothersnakes body will grow faster Oh**********************************************************************☆ bid farewell to boring, play Snake attack killedShuangkuaigan☆Do you think that is boring and turn Snake it? Of course, goingtoKill it! A court is no longer your people, unpredictable windandwater situation.☆ simple, combat skills everything ☆Games only two buttons can achieve a variety of snakemovement.Joystick control through the tongue forward direction,speed canalso be slowly spectators snatch. Change to drift,theelectro-optical flint between killing enemies dominatethebattlefield.☆ no absolute advantage, the snake can turn the tide ☆Whether serpent or snake, we must always guard against thosewhomight attack you or you grab the food with the snake,throughgorgeous operations, a move enemy, kill the snake anti-snakeis nota dream.Come and experience it really simply could not stop Oh ~
少年勇者團 - 萬人攻城戰 1.0.1
Youbi Game
突破次元壁!少年勇者團帶領激萌戰將空降異次元大陸!遊戲採用全新即時combo消除戰鬥體系,告別無腦釋放技能的枯燥與乏味,技能組合,招招斃命!遊戲特色【玩法多元,百玩不厭】遊戲內玩法系統豐富多樣,探險皇家寶藏,遠征歷險突破重重考驗,攻城掠奪,偷襲敵人於不備,虛空副本資源拿到手軟,世界BOSS一較高下,更有完善的競技系統——普通競技場、評分競技場、跨服戰等,好玩到根本就停不下來。【Combo消除,不再等CD】即時消除,即時釋放技能,不再為等待CD而苦惱煩躁,技能炫酷華麗,更帶有超爽快的釋放和打擊感,帶你領略不一樣的ROG格鬥手遊!指尖操控,戰鬥輕鬆爽快,技能組合又不失策略!【激萌Q版戰將,可愛迷人】日式動漫風,人物設計更是出自日本知名畫師,精良細緻,三等身英雄萌爆全場!多變的人物造型,培養的過程中不斷獲得愉悅的體驗。趕快帶領你的勇士們參加戰鬥吧,黑龍已經覺醒...Breakthroughdimensionalwall! Teenage group led by the brave warrior airbornelaserextradimensional Meng mainland!Instant game with a new combo fighting system, eliminate, andbidfarewell to boring and tedious, skill mix brain releaseskillsmouths killed!Game Features[Multiple play, play one hundred tire]Systems within diverse gameplay, adventure royal treasure,adventureexpedition breakthrough numerous tests siege plunder, toattack theenemy is not prepared, resources get soft copy of thevoid, theworld BOSS a higher, more comprehensive system ofCompetitive -Normal Competitive field, score Arena, inter-servicewarfare, fun tosimply can not stop.[Combo eliminate waiting no CD]Immediate elimination immediate release skills no longer waitforthe CD and distress, irritability, cool skills gorgeous, morewithsuper refreshing to combat a sense of release and, bring youataste different ROG fighting hand tour! Fingertip control,fighteasy straightforward, skill mix strategy yet![Excited Meng Q version of war, cute]Japanese anime style, character design is by renownedJapaneseartist, sophisticated and detailed, three life-sized heroMengburst audience! Changing character modeling, process continuetoreceive training in a pleasant experience.Quickly lead your warriors fight it, Black Dragon hasawakened...